How did my little hand-made crochet business begin?

As soon as my 'adopted mother' (Australia) took me in and loved me, I needed to work full-time waitressing in various cafe's as well as study full time, with 2 young children to look after and somewhat limited English ability.

Life was hard and extremely stressful during that time. To get a few hours to myself and get away from the stresses of this new life I was trying to build, I visited a local market at Paddington in Sydney. I enjoyed the atmosphere and I really loved looking at all the unique and cute products that I couldn't afford. This became my little get away every now and then when I could afford the time.

After speaking with some kind stall holders in 2016, they introduced me to the manager of the market. I explained that I would like to make some unique sewn, crochet, and even jewellery products. I told her that I couldn't afford to rent a table strait away, but when I saved enough I would like to attend as a stall holder. The manager told me that she would be happy for me to attend as soon as I feel ready, and she would allow me to pay for my first table after the market.

During these first couple of years I continued to attend various markets with whatever little products I could make using every spare minute to make them while not working or studying (being Mum never ended though lol). It seemed that people loved my products, and I really enjoyed these days out. I never really made a profit in those days, it was really just an excuse for a day out, but it did allow me to pay for lunch and day out for the kids and other little luxuries as I would always buy a little 'prize' from one of the unique stall holders at each market as a reward for my efforts.

When I met Adam, he said why don't we build a little website and see if more people might begin to enjoy my products. And here you are, all these years later reading my story on my little website. A lot has happened since 2016. Over time, due to demand I built up a little team of crochet masters. Now we can make all kinds of crochet items including customised orders, which are still hand-made in Australia, and full of love and cuteness.

Thank you for your interest, and I hope to see you at a market one day. Check out the market dates in the footer of this page to see where I will be next. And please sign up for my email newsletter, and follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

Love, love, and again love - Neda.

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